Friday, March 05, 2010

"Dirty Road"

I've waited to say, so long to the shame that owns you
The limits are bound, there's more to be found
Inside of you

Give it some time, the voices seem heavy, I know this
If you play by the hour, it's where you begin not where you will end

Yeah.. And I feel like I am living.. Where no one can find me
And I don't know how I've landed here
Sometimes I feel like those good things are behind me
Is the road supposed to get better than this?
Yes I will find, yes I will find..
Yes I will find

So long to the faith, believe in yourself, no fantasy
Discovery blind, I hope you will find, the truth here

Give it some time, believing and knowing are two different things
If you play by the hour, it's where you will end, not where you begin

Yeah.. And I feel like I am living.. Where no one can find me
And I don't know how I've landed here
Sometimes I feel like those good things are behind me
Is the road supposed to get better than this?
Yes I will find, yes I will find..
Yes I will find

Get up and open your eyes, don't let yourself ever fall down
Get through it and learn how to fly, i know you will find a way

Yeah.. And I feel like I am living.. Where no one can find me
And I don't know how I've landed here
Sometimes I feel like those good things are behind me
Is the road supposed to get better than this?
Yes I will find, yes I will find..
It's the same damn dirty road..
Yes I will find, yes I will find..

I will find a way

"Dirty Road" - Days of the New

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Friday, February 19, 2010

sure there aren't six stages?

the Kübler-Ross model (aka the five stages of grief) doesn't seem to have any room in it for the stage that can only be described as "so what the fuck happens now, and where do i go from here? how am i supposed to go on continuing to do the same shit each and every fucking day?"

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Ænema Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will. I sure could use a vacation from this bullshit three ring circus sideshow of a relationship here in this hopeless fucking hole in the Northeast. The only way to fix it is to flush it all away. Any fucking time. Any fucking day. Learn to swim, I'll see you down the fucking toilet. Fret for your figure and fret for your tea and fret for your hair and fret for your book and fret for your dope and fret for your program and fret for your contract and fret for your life. It's a bullshit three ring circus sideshow of a relationship here in this hopeless fucking hole in the Northeast. The only way to fix it is to flush it all away. Any fucking time. Any fucking day. Learn to swim, I'll see you down the fucking toilet. Some say a comet will fall from the sky. Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves. Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still. Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits. Some say the end is near. Some say we'll see armageddon soon. I certainly hope we will coz I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit, stupid shit... One great big festering neon distraction, I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied. Learn to swim. No one's gonna fix it all soon. No one's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be. Learn to swim. Fuck L Ron Hubbard and Fuck all his clones. Fuck all those gun-toting Hip gangster wannabes. Learn to swim. Fuck retro anything. Fuck your tattoos. Fuck all you junkies and Fuck your short memory. Learn to swim. Fuck smiley glad-hands with hidden agendas. Fuck these dysfunctional, insecure practises. Learn to swim. Coz I'm praying for rain and I'm praying for tidal waves I wanna see the ground give way. I wanna watch it all go down. Man please flush it all away. I wanna watch it go right in and down. I wanna watch it go right in. Watch you flush it all away. Time to bring it down again. Don't just call me pessimist. Try and read between the lines. I can't imagine why you wouldn't Welcome any change, my friend. I wanna see it all come down. Suck it down. Flush it down. 
Apologies guys, this is mangled for my own self-serving needs.

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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

you know when..

.. your network administrator is on his Blackberry, frantically googling "how to reset DNS servers", that the likelihood is you will not have the internet at work on that day


Sunday, February 07, 2010

o grammar, where art thou

Having complained long and loud in the past regarding the death of grammar in contemporary society as perpetrated by the media, I am not going start again.

I will however vent my feelings on how the lack of clear pronunciation has widely propagated a lot of grammatical errors. Is it just sheer laziness, or lack of understanding how words string together? After all, language is a little more than the ability to sequentially put together grunts and sounds so as to convey some sort of meaning, ever so slightly.

What's wrong with this statement:
If I knew it was wrong, I would of not done it.

I can bet that 3 out of 4 Americans will say that it seems perfectly fine. I would wager that if I showed this following sentence the same 3 of 4 would still think both sentences hold valid.
If I knew it was wrong, I would have not done it.

Once again, I blame the press - grammatical errors are dime a dozen in the printed media, while it appears to no longer be a prerequisite to have half a brain or an understanding of the English language to get a job on television or radio.

Of course, I don't get how blogs like these and that Twitting fandango and user-generated content media like Wiki stopped being communication forms and actually became sources of information - I still have people in the graduate course that I'm doing in project management cite personal blogs as references. Aaargh!

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Sunday, January 17, 2010


I'm taking yet another one of those corporate management classes this semester, and I love the cheat sheet we were given for some commonly used acronyms.. enjoy!

BUPPIE - Black Urban Professional
DIMP - Double Income, Money Problems
DINK - Double Income, No Kids
DINKY - Double Income, No Kids Yet
FLY - Fun Loving Youth
GRAMPIE - Grown Active Moneyed People in Excellent State
GUPPIE - Gay Urban Professional
LIPS - Low Income, Parents Supporting
OINK - One Income, No Kids
OPF - One Parent Family
POSSLQ - Person of Opposite Sex Sharing Living Quarters
SELPIE - Second Life People
SINBAD - Single Income, No Boyfriend, Abso¬lutely Desperate
SKIPPY - School Kid with Purchasing Power
VIP - Very Important Person
VIPI - Very Important Person Indeed
WASP - White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
WOOPIE - Well-Off Older Person
YUPPIE - Young Urban Professional

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

hot for teacher!

you just knew that every news item, blog post and other media interaction that picked up on this story would title it after the Van Halen song.. of course!

what news item? ok, lean in.. this has gotta be on the down low... you know how when you were in high school there was that teacher, the really young and pretty one, who either taught an obscure class or was a student counselor, something nondescript and you would do whatever it took to walk past her and make eye contact in the corridors or be in her class as many times in the day as possible, sometimes staying back after the class and making up fictional questions just so that you could talk to her?

so now that i got you going about that hot teacher that you had the hots for, what if i kicked up the hotness factor of the story by mentioning to you, what if along with that first hot teacher was also a second hot teacher at the school! double the pleasure, double the fun! aren't you wishing you were back in high school now? how about we take these two teachers and put them together in an empty classroom? ooof, i can barely look straight now, forget about typing!

anyways, transplant our story to Brooklyn, NY and we have these two high school teachers.. while the rest of the school was watching a talent show in the auditorium, said teachers were displaying a completely different yet unique and highly-appreciated talent of their own in private in a classroom! extra.. extra.. read all about it!

what i find really strange is that they were busted by the janitor! that has gotta be a first! almost every school janitor i have met is some bananas short of a bunch, lift not quite going to the top floor, or has some other weird and wild eccentricity. and this one? noooo, this one had to be on the straight and narrow and turned them in, bah! then again, maybe he tried to join in the party and was spurned leading to this fiasco. nothing quite like a janitor scorned eh? of course, this would never have come to light had he not tattled.

ahh well, high school, what a great time.. and now, back to reality

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Boston skyline

Sometimes I don't appreciate the fact enough that this is a seaside city. Went on a late summer, sunset cruise in the harbor area and got some absolutely lovely pictures of the city and skyline


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day 2009 - it's getting hot in here!

today is Blog Action Day 2009, and i'm looking back through the archives on this blog to see what i've said in the past about climate change

in the year 2005, apparently i thought there was very little we could do about it anyways, so i advocated that if all of the jargon got too much for people, to just sit back and chill with a drink and if we died, we died.

two years on in 2007, i had changed my stance somewhat. i watched Al Gore's film 'An Inconvenient Truth' and got one side of the story - i went headlong into it, asking people to follow some simple tips in minimizing their impact on the environment.

and today, 2009, i still pretty much feel the same way about it. many of us have had our doubts and reservations about what we hear in the press, but at the very least there is a greater awareness of the issues going on with climate change. we have gotten the two polar opposites to come out in the open and state their stands.

as a person who loves to see the conspiracy theory behind everything, i agree that this might be a demand that has been created, and is being filled by the same people who created the demand. perfect business sense, isn't it?
  • the press highlighted this issue, and are now expanding the size of their press corps that cover climate issues.
  • the industries that polluted the environment to begin with are now creating departments that will streamline emissions and look at 'green' company policies.
  • the politicians who stood on the rooftops telling us about global warming are hoping we re-elect them on the basis of their stands on climate change.
  • the lobbyists who fought for the new legislation are now receiving your tax dollars to pay for their efforts to make environmentally-friendly policies.
so if as a result of our wasteful and uncaring ways we have indeed nourished and supported the global warming monster, are we doing enough to undo the mess?

whether you believe in global warming or not, you have to believe that some sort of climate change is happening around us, and also that as a race we have caused untold destruction to our environment.

if you agree that global warming is occurring, you're more than halfway there, and keep on making that contribution that you are, it all counts.

if you believe that global warming is a myth, not much i can say to you here that's going to change your mind - however, could you at least acknowledge that we can practice some better ways of living, and make your contribution?


Hey bloggers,

October 15th is finally here and nearly 10,000 bloggers around the world are writing about climate change today for Blog Action Day 2009!

At the stroke of midnight we got off to a great start when UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown surprised us with a Blog Action Day post on his blog saying that "climate change is the biggest threat to all our futures."

From there we have seen thousands of interesting posts from bloggers in 150 countries. The Official Google Blog provided a green tour of their campus, Gadling is featuring green travel posts all day, and Grist has a great round-up of some of the best posts thus far. Nonprofits including Oxfam, Greenpeace , 1Sky and TckTckTck have all put up new posts. Blog Action Day has been the top Google blog search today and CNN just wrote an article about us!

Right now posts are pouring in constantly. It's truly an impressive display and there’s too much going on to list it all in an email.

You have to check it out yourself.

You can follow all the latest posts and tweets on a new live stream on the homepage. You can also get breaking updates and more in-depth information on the official Blog Action Day blog.

If you haven't posted yet, remember to include the words “Blog Action Day” in your post so that it gets pulled into the live feed on our homepage. If you are on Twitter, you can follow @blogactionday and use the #BAD09 hashtag in your tweets.

Thanks to all of you who have already posted and to all of you who will throughout the rest of the day. If you haven't, you can still register and participate today!

This has already been an amazing day and the Blog Action Day team couldn’t be more impressed with how many bloggers from all parts of the global are coming together for such an important issue.

Thank you so much,

Robin Beck
Lead Organizer
Blog Action Day 09: Climate Change.


Thursday, October 08, 2009


whether you blog part time or you bought a crackberry just so that you can blog, this is one day of the year that you need to be aware of - Blog Action Day 2009 is almost upon us again, next Thursday, October 15th is the day and this year's topic is 'Climate Change'. this doesn't say that you can participate only if you believe in global warming - this is a forum to raise awareness about the climate change phenomenon.

note how the term being bandied about is 'climate change', not 'global warming'. some people start feeling their hackles rise as soon as the words 'global' and 'warming' are put together - all we're trying to do here is have a civilized discussion about what's going on, and what we can do about it.

best case scenario will actually be that concrete proof is found that it doesn't exist, all this is a natural cycle, and in which case we're probably all going to die anyways!

worst case scenario would be that this is all true, the damage is done, we're too late and insignificant to do much about it, and in which case we're probably all going to die anyways!

deep down we all know that the answer lies somewhere in between, and we cannot keep turning a blind eye to it. we all have our dirty little environmental secrets, and whether we believe in global warming occurring or not, we should all agree that there are ways we can conserve energy, resources, material, etc.

so go the site now, sign up and start writing.. then come back here and leave links in the comments for everyone to read what you have to say on October 15th.
